What a crazy week this has been! Mom and Kursten came to visit, and we had quite the time traveling around Ecuador-- small winding city streets, old colonial buildings, sunday markets, beautiful mountain views, volcano hiking, adventure sports, spa days, and seeing Quito via bicycle along with 30,000 locals. Sounds amazing, huh? Well it was, but you try squeezing an entire country into a week and a half. Pretty hard to do! But, we had a fabulous time. I'm going to stay away from the text and mostly show what we did in pictures. You'll just have to hear all the stories upon return! (and boy...do we have stories!)

view down one of the many picturesque streets in Cuenca

market in Gualeceo
(fruit is one of the many things sold here...also vegetables, produce, meat, and in other more touristy markets scarves, blankets, hats, jewelry, trinkets)

One of the many amazing views from Cuenca to Riobamba

view from our hotel! Volcano Chimborazo (and the less pleasant city of Riobamba)

Chimborazo up close! Climbed part of that baby...5000 m

nice little windy pic of the girls and Chimborazo

We rented buggies and cruised around outside the town! Amazing sights! Look out NASCAR ;)

White water rafting...ay yi yi! Crazy Ecuadorians!

The river we rafted...and mom showing off her wound from when our raft flipped-- we took in face-fulls of water and couldn't find the surface...quite scary!

Before jumping off a 100 m bridge! A bit tense?

we're out there in the middle..go, no go??!!

after...definitely worth the plunge!

repelling down waterfalls! awesome
Ciclopaseo en Quito

how Kursten felt about the biking!
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